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How It Works

Doing school and work authentically helps us effectively set goals, prioritize, and plan. We feel more energized and confident working toward outcomes that matter to us. We feel more capable navigating future challenges as they come. Executive functioning coaching with me involves deeply intentional introspection about what matters in your life, a spirit of curiosity and experimentation, and constant fine-tuning to move closer to greater fulfillment.


Whether you're in school or transitioning into the work world, we typically go through at least one season of growth (one school term or a personal project) together, and then gradually fade support in subsequent seasons until you are ready to apply this life approach on your own.​​​​​

Here's the process...


We start where you are. 

In our first couple of sessions, we'll explore how you can use your experiences, core values, and strengths to develop an authentic and purposeful way of doing school or work.


Find a way forward.

We then look ahead to what's on the horizon. I take you through how to set yourself up for success using my 3S method:

  • See (visualize) what your own version of success looks and feels like.

  • Strategize for the entire cycle (i.e. set intentions, create identity-based goals, identify the most relevant skills & mindsets to focus on)

  • Systematize your practice (i.e. calendar frontloading, organizing info, gathering tools)


Experiment & Course Correct

Throughout the weeks, I guide you in the practice of using personalized systems, skills, and mindsets for trailblazing your own pathway to success. In this time, we work on the art of course-correcting and improving your toolkit when life throws you curveballs or things don't go as planned.​


In session, we take a thoughtful and experimental approach to building your toolkit in the following areas:

Authentic Foundation​​

  • core values

  • how you learn best

  • exploring your purpose

  • discovering your potential

  • identity-based habits

  • authentic goal-setting


Emotional Regulation

  • helpful mindsets

  • self-compassion strategies

  • stress management

  • performance anxiety management


  • finding support systems

  • building community

  • self-advocacy skills

  • leveraging school resources

  • leveraging your strengths

  • research skills

  • problem solving strategies

  • assistive technology & apps


Life Skills

  • time, & task management

  • organizational habits

  • rhythms & routines

  • independent living skills

  • social skills

  • increasing motivation


Meaningful Learning Strategies

  • study skills

  • test taking skills

  • academic reading & writing skills

  • project management


Reflect & Iterate

At the end of each term, we set aside time to celebrate your personal journey thus far. Through guided reflection, we discuss what you loved about the journey, what you loathed (or at least, would not miss if it were absent in the next cycle), what your soul longed for, and what you learned about yourself and life itself. ​We gradually fade coaching support in subsequent seasons until you feel ready to try free-styling life solo!

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